Congratulations on deciding to start a business to become a family daycare! You are among a special group of individuals who have chosen the profession of caring for young children. Getting Started in the Business of Family Daycare is important. You have chosen this work because you love children. You also now have an opportunity to earn money to help support your family. Each year thousands of providers have successfully set up their businesses, and we welcome you to this caring profession. Thank You for caring.
This post introduces important topics that every family childcare provider needs to know about to run a successful business.
Learning to manage your business money is a vital skill. You need at least 70% of your current income when you decide to retire to maintain your current standard of living. Social Security will generate less than half of this amount. It’s important to save money through your own retirement investments and you can on average expect to live approximately one-fourth of your life while in retirement. Good planning ahead will make a difference.
Saving money and planning for retirement is not simple. But you can educate yourself about all your finances. By doing so, you will have more control over your financial future. For more information google the Internet on Money Management and Retirement planning. Visit Pooh Bear’s Daycare again soon…we’ll be looking out for you.